Amla Powder (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla Powder (Indian Gooseberry)

Phyllanthus emblica, also known as Amla, Emblic, Emblic Myrobalan, Myrobalan, Indian Gooseberry, Malacca Tree, from the Sanskrit Amalaki, is a deciduous tree of the family Phyllanthaceae.


Indian gooseberry, is a fruit tree that grows natively in parts of Asia. It is known by two scientific names — Phyllanthus emblica and Emblica officinalis. It’s commonly called Amla.

The Indian Gooseberry tree has eight times more vitamin C than an orange, twice the antioxidant power of acai berry, and around 17 times that of a pomegranate.

Medicinal Benefits:

1. It helps fight Colds and Flu. The high content of Vitamin C helps fight colds, coughs and Flu.

2. Amla improves eyesight: The Carotene in Amla improves eyesight. Amla can reduce cataract problems, intraocular tension as well as prevent reddening, itching, and watering of eyes.

3. It burns fat: A protein present in Amla helps prevent cravings. Amla also has a very low carbohydrate and fat content. Dinking a glass of Amla juice before a meal fills you up and makes you eat less. Amla boosts metabolism too, making one shed weight faster.

4. Amla builds immunity:  Amla’s antibacterial and astringent properties boost one’s immune system. Amla is a potent antioxidant agent which can prevents “free radical oxidation” and help in protecting the cell.
5. Amla relieves pain: Be it arthritis-related joint aches or painful mouth ulcers, amla can provide relief owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Amla is used as an analgesic to treat wounds and its extracts are useful in easing postoperative and neuropathic pain. For ulcers, you simply need to dilute amla juice in half a cup of water and gargle with it.

6. Amla improves skin: Amla is an anti-ageing fruit. The Vitamin C and antioxidants present in amla reduces fine lines, wrinkles and offers radiant skin. Drinking amla juice with honey every morning can give you blemish-free, healthy and glowing skin.

7. Amla helps manage chronic conditions: Amla is loaded with chromium which aids in reducing bad cholesterol and also helps stimulate insulin production, thereby reducing the blood glucose level of diabetics.

Traditionally, Amla is used as a home remedy to regulate or control diabetes. The main reason behind diabetes is stress conditions. Amla is a good source of vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant that will help reverse the free radical generation and the effect of oxidative stress. The consumption of Amla products regularly can prevent the chances of diabetes. In another mechanism, Amla’s fibres can help absorb the excess sugar in the body to regular blood sugar levels.

8. Improves pigmentation and skin texture

Amla helps in improving skin health. Drinking as well as applying amla extracts can help in improving your skin colour, texture and can help in slowing down the process of ageing. According to Skin expert, Rupali Sharma “Amla helps in fading acne scars, deep cleanses our skin and delays the onset of premature ageing of skin with its anti-ageing properties. It is an effective healing catalyst. Amla speeds up the healing process of damaged tissues. Including amla in your daily skin care routine tackles hyperpigmentation, produces an even tone and makes the skin firm.”

9. Amla beautifies hair: Amla is a beneficial tonic for hair. It has plenty of essential fatty acids which penetrate deep into the follicles and slow down greying, prevents dandruff, and strengthens hair follicles. it has high iron and carotene content, that boosts hair growth. Amla also acts as a natural conditioner giving you soft shimmering locks. You could apply amla oil or mix amla powder into henna for a hair pack.

Amla Hair Mask:

You can use multiple carriers that include eggs, vegetable oil, milk, water, and henna. The best carrier for amla powder is oil, you can add oil and amla powder and simply apply it to the hair. Use any oil including coconut and almond oils for best results.

Mix 2 TBSP Amla Powder with 4 TBSP Yoghurt and apply

Mix 2 TBSP of Amla Powder with 2 Eggs and Apply


Mix 1 TBSP Amla Powder with 4 TBSP of any liquid (eg lemon Juice or Water) and Apply

Mix 2 TBSP coconut oil and 1 tablespoon olive oil in a bowl. Heat them and then add 2 teaspoons Amla powder in it. Now, let the mixture cool down. Massage for around 15 minutes and then let the oil stay for at least 30 minutes.

Grey Hair:
Preparation and Use

  1. Heat some coconut oil in a pan.
  2. Add Amla powder and Methi powder.
  3. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down.
  4. Section your hair and apply the mask on the scalp.
  5. Massage well and leave it overnight.

How to Take Amla Powder for General Health:

Take 1 teaspoon of Amla Powder with honey or water on empty stomach in mornings.

8 thoughts on “Amla Powder (Indian Gooseberry)

  • Amla is an amazing product. I use the Powder and Oil for my skin and hair and I drink the powder for immune booster. So happy I have found it available in Cape Town at a reasonable price.

  • I have only read about Amla. I decided to search for Indian Gooseberries in the Western Cape and came across your website. Thanks so much for making the Amla Powder and Amla Oil available, My order for both has been placed.

  • I knew about Amla Oil for hair, but didn’t know the Indian Gooseberry Powder was available in Cape Town. Thanks for making it available and having enough stock on hand.

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