Neem Oil for Home, Garden & Pets

Neem Oil for Home, Garden & Pets


Neem Oil’s
natural benefits and properties:
*pesticide properties, which is effective for humans, animals and plants.

*Athlete’s foot and nail fungus
*Dry Skin
*Insect Bites

*Hot Spots
*Open Wounds
*Natural Tick and Flea Repellant

Natural pesticide against mites, aphids and biting insects. Totally harmless to bees and non-biting insects.

Pure Cold Pressed Neem Oil is available in 100ml dropper bottles.

2 thoughts on “Neem Oil for Home, Garden & Pets

  • I used this product to rid head lice from my daughter. I simply smeared some Neem oil in my hands and warmed it up and rubbed it on her hair and worked into scalp. Then I combed her hair with a fine toothed comb. It worked like a charm. It is also great for plant pests and pets with fleas or ticks. Great product with many purposes

  • I tried your Neem oil on my plants that were riddled with aphids. I mixed a teaspoon of Neem with a liter of water as directed and sprayed my plants. What an amazing product! My plants are free of pests again. I’ll be buying the neem powder for worms in the soil next,

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