Diatomaceous Earth – Food Grade 100 gram / 250 gram

Diatomaceous Earth – Food Grade 100 gram / 250 gram


Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth:

  1. Helps reduce gas
  2. Helps reduces odour
  3. Cleans the digestive tract
  4. Increases liver function
  5. Absorbs harmful toxins
  6. It helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
  7. It speeds the healing of fractures and helps prevent Osteoporosis.
  8. It lowers cholesterol, removes plaque, keeps the arteries and veins elastic and can regulate blood pressure.
  9. Supplies silica for the production of collagen to lubricate joints and restore the natural flexibility and is therefore necessary for joint and ligament health.
  10. Is mildly abrasive, making it useful as a cleanser for the skin and teeth. It is often used in skincare products as an exfoliant and toothpaste. It absorbs harmful toxins and leaves the skin and teeth clean and smooth.


Taking silica in the form of Diatomaceous Earth helps the body absorb and use the calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to form healthy bones. (Calcium and Vitamin D are usually given to improve bone growth, but most people don’t realize that the body cannot absorb calcium without the addition of silica.)

  1. By reducing the unhealthy fats, Diatomaceous Earth effectively reduces the bad cholesterol level in the body.
  2. Our hair requires silica to grow and shine. A good supplementation plan using Diatomaceous Earth will stimulate hair growth and help prevent hair loss. When silica is plentiful in the body, hair grows healthy and shiny.
  3. Food grade Diatomaceous Earth kills cockroaches, bed bugs, stink bugs, ants, fleas, spiders, silverfish, dust, and spider mites. The abrasive diatoms create tiny cuts in the insect’s skin or outer shell and dry it out, killing the insect slowly within 36 hours.

Diatomaceous Earth for pets acts as a non-toxic tick and flea remedy for dogs and cats; simply brush the powder into your pet’s hair and sprinkle it over their bedding. You can also add Diatomaceous Earth powder to your pet’s food as a safe natural deworming treatment.

Please Note:  Natural Selections provides Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth which is non-calcined, and NOT Industrial Grade Diatomaceous Earth. It is safely edible, and acts as a powerful natural detox treatment.

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100 gram, 250 gram

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