Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food-grade

Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food-grade


35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is 35% pure Hydrogen Peroxide and 65% Water.
“Food-grade,”  means that it is pure and that there is nothing added to the hydrogen peroxide. It does not contain any added chemicals, stabilizers and or toxins (like Acetanilide. Phenol, Sodium Stanate and Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate which are added as stabilizers for commercial Hydrogen Peroxide)


35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is very strong and MUST be diluted before use. Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria and viruses by destroying their cell walls, then that hydrogen peroxide breaks down into simple oxygen and water, with no chemical residues left behind.

35% Food Grade H2O2 is also available in 3.5% and 1% solutions without chemicals.

Hydrogen Peroxide is generally used for:

  • Getting rid of warts.
  • Clearing an earwax blockage.
  • Killing germs in your mouth.
  • Whitening your teeth.
  • Cleaning your fruits and veggies.
  • Disinfecting surfaces in your home.
  • Disinfecting wounds and cuts
  • Bleaching Stains out of fabric.


Medical uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

• disinfecting small cuts and scrapes

• gargling to treat sore throat

• treating acne

• soaking boils

• treating foot fungus

• softening calluses and corns

• treating ear infections

• killing skin mites

• whitening nails


Home food preparation and storage:

• vegetable antibacterial wash

• lettuce preservative

• meat or poultry marinade


Home cleaning and Disinfecting with 1% Hydrogen Peroxide:

* cutting board disinfection

* countertop disinfection

* sponge and dish cloth cleaning

* refrigerator cleaning

* bleach for removing stains out of clothing


Additional information

Strength %

35, 3.5