Sea Moss Gel 375ml

Sea Moss Gel 375ml


♡ Weight Loss
♡ Detox
♡ Immune Booster
♡ Respiratory Conditioner
♡ Anti-inflammatory
♡ Anti-Oxidant
♡ Boosts Thyroid Function
♡ Gut Health & Digestion
♡ Energy Booster
♡ Stabilises Hormones
♡ Skin Care Powerhouse

1 TBSP of Sea Moss Gel per day


Sea Moss, is one of the healthiest superfoods in the ocean. Sea Moss has a wide variety of health benefits such as digestive health, mucus cleansing, thyroid hormone support, and including the prevention of malignant cancerous diseases. Sea Moss contains 92 of the 102 nutrients the body needs to function effectively! Sea Moss has unbelievable results when added to your daily eating regimen! Sea Moss not only helps to cleanse your body from all the waste from processed and man made foods, but also helps to boost your immune system, detoxify your liver and body from waste, toxins, and having severe liver damage.

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