Tsunami 100% (R) Healing Herbal Oil

Tsunami 100% (R) Healing Herbal Oil

“But what is the elusive essence of plant material called Essential Oil?

It is the Heart and Soul of the Plant “~ Jeanne Rose

If you have not yet heard of Tsunami 100%®️ the chances are it’s because it is a cheap, effective natural medicine not advertised by drug companies and mainstream media.

Q: What is Tsunami 100%®️?

A: Tsunami 100% is Chinese Herbal medication primarily consisting of Oriental White Camphor Oil and Mint Oil.

Q: What is Tsunami 100%®️ used for?

A: Tsunami 100% is effective for treating mosquito bites, colds, nasal congestion and headaches, preventing motion sickness in vehicles and ships, bruises and sprains, muscle soreness, abdominal pains and toothaches.

Q: What else is Tsunami 100% ®️ used for?
A: Tsunami 100% is used in creams and ointments for rheumatic pain, neuralgia, arthritis, sore muscles, sprains and bruises.
In addition, it is used as an insect repellent. It can be applied externally on the neck and chest as a remedy for acute or chronic pneumonia and bronchitis.
It can also be used directly on hands and feet to treat chilblains, acne and cold sores.
Camphor, as a herbal medicine, is now available primarily as oil where the pure crystallised form has been dissolved in olive oil, peanut oil or another neutral base oil.

4 thoughts on “Tsunami 100% (R) Healing Herbal Oil

  • This Tsunami 100 really works. I use it for pain and for mosquito bites. Can’t wait to experiment more with it. Definitely a worthwhile purchase.

  • I have heard about this product and have been searching all over for it. I can’t wait to try it! I have previously purchased other products which work really well. Looking forward to adding Tsunami Oil to my Natural Selections Natural product regimen.

  • Pingback: Garry Burke
  • I have been searching all over for this product, Tsunami. Thanks for making it available. I will be buying many more as I use it for so many ailments and cures. Great Product. Wonderful products on your site.

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